Interruption! White Rock Shooter!!

Apologies, the post about Hong Kong Trip have to be postponed again.. for some reason, I can't access photobucket, where I already uploaded all the photos there (blame my internet provider cos I can access it normally from my GSM internet connection on my Nexus 7), so.. while waiting until I can access photobucket again.. here comes White Rock Shooter Figma!!
Yes! I finally got her!! Even though it was a pre-owned, and it doesn't include the game (I've played and finished the game anyway), at least I finally got her. Now the only thing that's get in the way of me completing the whole collection of Figma Black Rock Shooter series is Insane BRS, because of the unreasonably high price!
The white appearance of her really make a different aura compared to Black Rock Shooter, and that red flame... really nice contrast
Versus Black Rock Shooter!!
This time I experienced with different kinds of lighting, like covering the light source with a red film or blue film.. so far I like the results..
Next time I have to do something about the background! I always do black!
So there you have it, White Rock Shooter Figma!
Until I finished this post, I still can't access photobucket.. I don't know why because I still can upload photos  from my local harddrive and making this post without any problem and I can access it from my GSM internet connection..
Oh well, at least I can still make this post ><
OK then, see you next post, I'll continue the Hong Kong Trip post when I can access photobucket again ><
Thanks for coming!!

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