
Nendoroid Elucia de Rux Ima or Elsie from Kami Nomi zo Shiru Sekai, she's so adorable!!


New Year, New Phone!! ><

Yaaay, New Year, New Phone!! ><


Happy Yaay!!

Just a little post to fill the emptyness 
Everybody looks so happy!!


Singapore Trip Prep

Will go to SIngapore for AFA'11 tomorrow!!
Gotta pack-up everything I need!!


Adventure at Sekilak Adventure I

It's sunday, let's have some photo session!!
Today, we're going to Sekilak Adventure.



Drossel chan, there's someone here for you to meet ^^


Playing in the Dark

It was late in the night, trying to sleep, but I find it very hard... so...

Nendoroid Dead Master
One of the Nendoroid from Black Rock Shooter Nendoroid series, Dead Master
I like how she stick her tongue out like that, looks so naughty ><


Nendoroid Black Gold Saw

Now it's time for Nendoroid Black Gold Saw to show off!! ><


Nendoroid Drossel Von Flugel

After searching everywhere for Nendoroid Drossel with a reasonable price, at last I got her!!